

Discussion: Teaching with Critical Code Studies

I’ll be the first to admit that I find Critical Code Studies intimidating. Yet, I find the questions posed by theorists in this field to be very productive for thinking about hybrid pedagogy across disciplines, and I think that approaching this topic in discussion may help us conceptualize our work. I will bring a few resources and pose some questions to get us started, and I look forward to hearing insights from those with more experience.

This article gives a solid, if strongly worded, overview of the topic. One of its main points, that “the implication for practice and research in digital media and learning is to begin to understand how coding, algorithms and software are involved in reconfiguring learning and the learner,” might be usefully revised into a discussion prompt: how are learning and the learner being reconfigured by digital infrastructure?

About the author


I teach introductory composition at UW. My research focuses on narratives of confinement, particularly in the context of American literature. I am also building a digital humanities based project that seeks to change the educational, economic, and cultural realities faced by high school students in small rural communities in Washington state.


  1. Roger Whitson

    This is a really exciting proposal! Would you teach CCS in your freshman comp course? Further, how do you see it complementing more traditional literacies? I’d love to be part of this session.

  2. Roger Whitson

    i don’t know why this didn’t post the first time. But I’d love to be part of a CCS session, maybe as a way to introduce how to teach digital literacy to students in composition courses. It’s one thing to offer (as programs like Georgia Tech do) advanced computational programming courses for CS majors or advanced graduate students. It’s probably another thing to investigate how something like CCS can transform notions of basic literacy.

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