VRobin – THATCamp Hybrid Pedagogy 2012 http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Fri, 12 Apr 2013 15:42:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 #THATcampHP Love Tweet Pics http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org/10/20/thatcamphp-love-tweet-pics/ Sat, 20 Oct 2012 22:12:43 +0000 http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org/?p=289

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A lot of wonderful conversations are sprouting up both in sessions, at lunch, and in passing. And along with that, a lot of great photos are being posted. Below, you will find a bunch of pictures I am attempting to collect off of twitter so you can access them in one easy location. Enjoy!

Schedule Collaborated and Made – Photo by @rogerwhitson

Photo by @esquetee


Howard Rheingold gives an interactive talk. Photo by @erikpalmer

Participants in a session all join Hangout together. Photo by @erikpalmer

Rheingold’s talk from another angle. Drink that coffee, Roger! Photo by @kathiiberens

THATcampHP from a different angle. Photo by @andycampbell


THATcampHP Google Hangout and Jesse’s face – Photo by @ldhunter

In case you were thinking about food – here’s THATcampHP lunch! Photo by @vrobin1000

All roads lead to THATcamp – well… and Guitar. Photo by @allistelling

Another angle on Lunch, and scheduling it out – photo by @allistelling

Hanging out with Jesse – Photo by @erikpalmer


Compositing & New Recursivity: Assessing Multimodal Production http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org/10/16/compositing-new-recursivity-assessing-multimodal-production/ http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org/10/16/compositing-new-recursivity-assessing-multimodal-production/#comments Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:35:50 +0000 http://hybridpedagogy2012.thatcamp.org/?p=176

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In the last #digped conversation, I cited Cheryl Ball’s paper “Show, Not Tell” explaining “Most people have not been trained to view online forums as scholarly. We are encouraged to read and write, in any and every way, but ‘new media scholarship may be dismissed as having an unnecessarily fussy ‘advertising aesthetic’… making it unworthy as a scholarly text in the eyes of the reader.’” After spending time with Ball’s article for a Computers and Composition course I’m taking here at Georgia State University, I then spent some time writing a critique for a paper called “After Digital Storytelling: Video Composing in the New Media Age” by Megan Fulwiler and Kim Middleton. This article came out earlier this year and opens up a very interesting, and very relevant discussion about digital media production. It asks the question, “when we ask out students to produce multimodal compositions, what is it that we are asking them to do?” For many of us, this question directly translates to another: “How do I evaluate a product that deals in multimodality?” If a students creates something flashy or high in aesthetic quality, how do we begin to critique, or evaluate this?

I propose a session in which we discuss the questions above. Multimodal texts, such as video production, blog posting, or even slide shows are present in all courses we teach and it is crucial that we are clear in what we ask for from students. So I ask another question: “If we know what we are asking for, do we then know what to evaluate?” And another (they just keep coming) “what do we do with the unexpected?”

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